HXP Format


The .hxp format is based upon Haxe, it mirrors the internal project format used within Lime tools. There is a lot of flexibility and power that can come from using an .hxp project, but be aware that as the Lime tools evolve, the specification may change slightly.

Using the HXP format requires the hxp haxelib:

haxelib install hxp


The basic structure of an .hxp project looks like this:

import hxp.*;
import lime.tools.*;

class Project extends HXProject {
    public function new() {
        haxelibs.push(new Haxelib("lime"));
        // Other code goes here!

You can put all of your settings within the new function, or you can create additional methods if you prefer.


Being in Haxe, you can use standard if/else logic in order to control your build process.

A variety of values are set for you. For example, the platformType value may be PlatformType.MOBILE, PlatformType.DESKTOP or PlatformType.WEB.

There is also a target value, which may be Platform.IOS, Platform.ANDROID, Platform.WINDOWS, Platform.MAC, Platform.LINUX, Platform.FLASH or Platform.HTML5, among others.

If needed, you can also check the host property, which should define Platform.WINDOWS, Platform.MAC or Platform.LINUX.

You can also set your own values (of course):

import hxp.*;
import lime.tools.*;

class Project extends HXProject {
    public function new() {
        haxelibs.push(new Haxelib("lime"));

        if (platformType == PlatformType.WEB) {
            window.width = 800;
            window.height = 600;

        var iOSSimulator = (target == Platform.IOS && targetFlags.exists("simulator"));
        if (iOSSimulator) {
            trace("Targeting the iOS simulator");

Common Values


Use the meta typedef to add information about your application, which usually will not affect how the application runs, but how it is identified to the target operating system or on an application store.

The meta property is a typedef, allowing you to use it as an object. This type of use can be ideal for code completion, where supported by a code editor:

meta.title = "My Application";
meta.packageName = "com.example.myapplication";
meta.version = "1.0.0";
meta.company = "My Company";

…or you can override the full value of the property. You don’t need to specify every value, as the tools will automatically complete any missing values with default ones:

meta = { title: "Hello World", packageName: "com.example.myapplication", version: "1.0.0" };


The app typedef sets values important to building your project, including the entry point (main class), the output file directory, or if you want to customize the executable filename or define a custom preloader for a web platform.

app.main = "com.example.MyApplication";
app.file = "MyApplication";
app.path = "Export";
app.preloader = "CustomPreloader";
app.swfVersion = 11;

Similar to the meta property, the app property is a typedef, so you can define it either as an object literal or by naming the properties, whichever you prefer.

app = { main: "com.example.MyApplication", file: "MyApplication", path: "Export", preloader:  "CustomPreloader", swfVersion: 11 };


You can use the window property to control how your primary window will be initialized, or use the windows array to provide options for multiple windows.

Each window includes the screen resolution and background color, as well as other options, such as whether hardware should be allowed or display mode flags.

By default, mobile platforms use a window width and height of 0, which is a special value that uses the resolution of the current display. This is available on desktop platforms, but usually it is recommended to enable the fullscreen value instead, and to set the width and height values to a good windowed resolution. There is a special fps="0" value for HTML5, which is default, which uses requestAnimationFrame instead of forcing a frame rate.

window.width = 640;
window.height = 480;
window.background = 0xFFFFFF;
window.fps = 30;
window.hardware = true;
window.allowShaders = true;
window.requireShaders = true;
window.depthBuffer = false;
window.stencilBuffer = false;
window.fullscreen = false;
window.resizable = true;
window.borderless = false;
window.vsync = false;
window.orientation = Orientation.PORTRAIT;
window.antialiasing = 0;

Similar to app and meta, each window property is a typedef, so you can use either an object literal or set each property, depending on your preference. If you use an object literal, any values you do not define will be added later with default values by the tools.

windows[0] = { width: 640, height: 480, background: 0xFFFFFF, fps: 30, hardware: true, allowShaders: true, requireShaders: true, depthBuffer: false, stencilBuffer: false, fullscreen:false, resizable: true, borderless: false, vsync: false, orientation: Orientation.PORTRAIT, antialiasing: 0 };


Use the sources array to add additional Haxe class paths:

sources.push ("Source");

If you are using @:file, @:bitmap, @:sound or @:file tags in your project, be sure that the asset files are available within your Haxe source paths.


Use the haxelibs array to include Haxe libraries:

haxelibs.push (new Haxelib ("actuate"));

You can also specify a version, if you prefer:

haxelibs.push (new Haxelib ("actuate", "1.0.0"));


You can use the ndlls array to include native libraries. These are usually located under an “ndll” directory, with additional directories based upon the target platform. Usually NDLLs are included as a part of an extension (using an include), so they are rare to be used directly:

ndlls.push (new NDLL ("std", new Haxelib ("hxlibc"));


Use the icons array to add icon files to your project. When the command-line tools request icons for a target platform, it will either use an exact size match you have provided, or it will attempt to find the closest match possible and resize. If you include an SVG vector icon, it should prefer this file over resizing bitmap files.

icons.push (new Icon ("icon.png", 64));

var icon = new Icon ("icon2.png");
icon.width = 96;
icon.height = 96;

icons.push (new Icon ("icon.svg"));

assets, includeAssets

Use the assets array, as well as the includeAssets method, to add resources to your project, available using lime.Assets at runtime.

The path attribute can point to either a file or a directory. These files will be copied (or embedded) in your final project, and can be accessed using the lime.Assets class.

For example, if you include the following asset in your project file:

assets.push (new Asset ("images/MyImage.jpg"));

You can access it in your application like this:

var bitmapData = Assets.getBitmapData ("images/MyImage.png");

The target path will mirror the source path by default, but you also can include a rename attribute, if you wish to use a different target path. The lime.Assets class will use the target path by default, so using the rename attribute will alter the names you use to reference your files.

If you would prefer to set the ID for your asset file yourself, use a id property.

If you would like to include a directory, you can use the includeAssets method to help automate the process. When using includeAssets, you can specify include or exclude attributes to set patterns for which files to include. Wildcards are supported. To include all the files under the directory, for example, use an include value of “*”. The include and exclude values are arrays, allowing you to include multiple patterns, if you want.

includeAssets ("Assets", "assets", [ "*" ], [ "lime.svg" ]);

The type for each file will be determined automatically, based on each file extension, but you can use the type attribute to set it for the file or directory yourself. If you are nesting a node inside of another assets node, you can also use the name of the type as the name of your node.

var asset = new Asset ("image.png");
asset.type = AssetType.IMAGE;

If an asset is specified as “template”, it will not be copied/embedded as an ordinary asset, but instead will be copied to the root directory of your project, so you can replace any of the template HX, HXML or platform-specific files for the target.

includeAssets ("assets");
includeAssets ("../../assets", "assets");
includeAssets ("assets/images", "images", [ "*.jpg", "*.png" ], [ "example.jpg" ]);

var sound = new Asset ("sound/MySound.wav");
sound.id = "MySound";
assets.push (sound);

assets.push (new Asset ("sound/BackgroundMusic.ogg"));

Additional Values


Use the templates array to add paths which can override the templates used by the command-line tools.

You can add a full template path like this:

templatePaths.push ("templates");


Use the haxeflags array to add additional arguments in the Haxe compile process:

haxeflags.push ("-dce");
haxeflags.push ("std");


Use the haxedefs map to add Haxe defines (similar to using haxeflags with “-D”):

haxedefs.set ("define", 1);


Use the setenv method to set environment variables:

setenv ("GLOBAL_DEFINE");


Use the javaPaths array to add Java classes to the project when targeting Android:

javaPaths.push ("java/classes");


Use the certificate value to add a keystore for release signing on certain platforms.

If you do not include the password attribute, you will be prompted for your certificate password at the command-line.

For Android, the alias will be set to the file name of your certificate by default, without the extension. If the alias name is different, you can use the alias property.

If you have set the password property, the alias_password property will default to the same value. Otherwise you can add an alias-password property to specify a different value.

iOS does not use a certificate path and password, but instead uses an identity property matching the provisioning profile you have configured on your system:

certificate = new Keystore ();
certificate.identity = "iPhone Developer";


Control iOS-specific values when compiling.

The deployment property can set the minimum iOS version you wish to target.

platformConfig.ios.deployment = 5;
platformConfig.ios.devices = "universal";
platformConfig.ios.linkerFlags = "";
platformConfig.ios.prerenderedIcon = false;

Since the “ios” value is a typedef, you can also use an object literal. Any values you do not define will be added later using the defaults:

platformConfig.ios = { deployment: 5, devices: "universal", linkerFlags: "", prerenderedIcon: false };


Use the android typedef to set Android-specific values:

platformConfig.android.extensions.push ("MyExtension");
platformConfig.android.installLocation = "preferExternal";
platformConfig.android.minimumSDKVersion = 9;
platformConfig.android.targetSDKVersion = 16;
platformConfig.android.permissions.push ("android.permission.WAKE_LOCK");

platformConfig.android = { installLocation: "preferExternal", minimumSDKVersion: 9, targetSDKVersion: 16 };


Use the dependencies array to specify native frameworks or references that are required to compile your project, as well as additional libraries you need copied.

if (target == Platform.IOS) {

    dependencies.push ("GameKit.framework");



Use the path method to add directories to your system’s PATH environment variable.

path ("path/to/add/to/system/PATH");


Use LogHelper.error to throw your own errors during the build process, if necessary.

LogHelper.error ("Something is wrong");

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